Number Fluency Toolkits



Introducing the TOOLS, TASKS, TALK. Number Fluency TOOLKIT. These 3 magical, MATHEMATICAL ingredients are essential pedagogies for building NUMBER SENSE: 

 Each @fluencywithnumbers TOOLKIT is full of RICH TOOLS and TASKS which promote meaningful TALK. The TOOLKITS can be used at home and in school. They help children to SEE NUMBERS, FEEL NUMBERS AND HEAR NUMBERS and encourage the use of fingers,  dice patterns and dots. These patterns encourage children to SUBITISE, VISULISE and build RICH relationships and connections among numbers. The TOOLKITS encourage learners to work with numbers in different ways, to make sense of basic facts and to be able to retrieve them. 


  • Develops a deep understanding of number

  • Highly engaging, interactive, visual, hands-on early maths resource helping ALL children learn and love maths!

  • Perfect for families to play together and for use in school